May 28, 2024
Material Digitisation

Blurring the Lines: The Critical Role of Lifelike Digital Twins in Spatial Computing

Spatial computing technologies, such as Apple Vision Pro, combine augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) to create immersive digital environments. These advancements are changing how consumers interact with digital content, setting new benchmarks for the accuracy and lifelikeness of digital material representations. This trend is especially pertinent in the textiles sector, including fashion, interior design, and automotive textiles, where the tactile and visual qualities of materials play a pivotal role in consumer decision-making.

Online Shopping in Spatial Computing

In spatial computing environments, consumers can now interact with products in ways previously limited to the physical world. Brands like Decathlon are at the forefront, offering their sports equipment and active gear in these augmented spaces to provide consumers with a novel way to explore and engage with their products. This interaction goes beyond mere visualisation; it's about creating an immersive experience where consumers can experience how a treadmill will work in their living room or see which outdoor jacket to choose from the catalogue.

The Demand for Accurate Digital Twins

The immersion and interactivity offered by spatial computing demands digital twins of materials that are not just visually accurate but are indistinguishable from their physical counterparts. The need for precision becomes even more critical as consumers expect these digital interactions to closely reflect real-world experiences. For instance, when a consumer is evaluating a piece of furniture or apparel through a spatial computing headset, they're assessing how the product looks in different lighting conditions or imagining how a piece of clothing might fit.

An accurate representation of physical materials ensures that these digital interactions are reliable, enabling consumers to make informed decisions based on their experience. This level of detail and accuracy is crucial for maintaining consumer trust and satisfaction in a market where digital and physical realities are becoming increasingly blurred.

Challenges in Creating Lifelike Digital Materials

Creating lifelike digital twins of textiles for spatial computing applications presents unique challenges. Materials with intricate woven patterns, transparent fabrics like lace, and other complex textures require a sophisticated approach to digitisation. Material scanning methods that accurately document the appearance of materials by capturing their texture, colour, and pattern from multiple angles are essential for creating high-fidelity digital twins. These methods ensure that the digital materials consumers interact with in augmented spaces are as close to the real thing as possible, from the way light reflects off a surface to the depth of a texture. Poor-quality digital materials can break the sense of immersion, reducing the effectiveness of spatial computing experiences.

The Role of Bandicoot's Technology

Bandicoot’s technology is at the forefront of these advancements, providing the necessary tools to achieve this high level of digital accuracy. By using advanced scanning and texture mapping techniques, Bandicoot ensures that digital twins created for use in spatial computing environments are lifelike and precise. This capability is particularly significant for technologies like the Apple Vision Pro, where the quality of digital interactions directly impacts consumer experiences​​.


As spatial computing technologies like Apple Vision Pro gain popularity, the demand for accurate and lifelike digital material representations is increasing. For consumers exploring products in augmented spaces, the quality of these digital interactions directly impacts their perception and decisions. In sectors where the look and feel of materials are crucial, such as fashion and interior design, providing highly accurate digital twins offers a significant competitive advantage.

With VR technology constantly evolving, the fidelity of digital fabrics must also improve to keep pace. Poor-quality digital materials can disrupt the sense of immersion, reducing the effectiveness of spatial computing experiences. The advancements in digital material representation are not just enhancing consumer experiences; they’re redefining the possibilities of digital exploration and interaction, setting a new standard for how brands present their products in the digital age.

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